“Adulthood” by Hilma af Klint, 1907



Transformational experiences

for evolutionary be-ings.


It is my desire to help make the languages of Astrology, Human Design, and KMRT® available and accessible to anyone who wants a deeper experience of themselves, delivering the potential for unconditional self-acceptance, unconditional self-Love and greater meaning in this life. All without taking it too seriously- life is a game, after all!


  • Astrology

    Astrology is ancient. And like most ancient wisdom modalities, it is art, science, pseudo-psychology and somatic practice all in one. Embodied Astrology provides an incredibly comprehensive and interactive format for personal discovery and development. I utilize embodied astrology to help clients encounter and engage with their life story, their beliefs and their behaviors in an expansive, loving and energizing way. Old stories that no longer serve one’s evolution and happiness are examined and gently released, and latent strengths and power centers are highlighted for the client to experiment with and enjoy. This is done through a unique approach that invites the client to engage with their astrology with their physical nervous system and senses, as well as their minds. Through a client’s birth chart, we take a respectful peek into their Soul’s purpose, as well as clarify personal desires and troubleshoot challenges and opportunities in relationships, creativity, and career. At the end of a reading, clients should expect their energy to be clear and activated, resulting in a greater sense of personal integrity, healing and creativity. Utilizing this embodied approach ensures a soft yet speedy integration of the wisdom found.

  • Reality Creation

    There is a deeply satisfying way to understand and experience your power as a creator, whether that be a creator of human life, or art, or a relationship, or a career. Utilizing Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy®, a powerful entrainment modality that is rooted in the sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, Stapathyaveda, and Quantum Physics, I help you listen and attune yourself to the energy of that which you are creating. These sessions help to both heal the nervous system from present challenges, and attune the system to the desired creative expansion. We begin with your natal chart, being able to view through it your Soul’s particular journey of manifestation and creation. From there we incorporate Kinaesthetic Listening® through breathwork and yogic exercises to help sensitize you to the more subtle parts of yourself, as well as to the Creation that wishes to come through you.

  • Astro-cartography

    Astrocartography is where personal and global astrology interrelate. In astrology, we know that the location of the Zodiac signs and the planets within the natal chart affects where in the life certain pathways of development and evolution are experienced, and the same can be stated for the Earth! Astrocartography is a visual and living depiction of a client’s evolutionary relationship with the Earth, with Gaia. Using a special tool that superimposes a client’s natal chart information over a world map, a client is guided through their soul’s story around the globe and, depending on where in the world they are physically and psychically, a client can tap in to these power lines and centers, where they can heal karmic threads, connect with community, and activate heretofore unrealized potential.

  • Human Design

    Human Design can be described as the science of human differentiation. It combines ancient and modern sciences to help determine a truly empowered way of be-ing in today’s world. Astrology, the I Ching, and Vedic and Kabbalistic philosophy work seamlessly together with genetics and physics, providing for an advanced and liberating template of human experience. These sessions are designed specifically for Human Design beginners, and it is my intention to help make HD as accessible as possible. During an HD session, the client is guided through their Bodygraph, an easy-to-navigate visual representation of their Design, similar to an astrological natal chart. Like Astrology, Human Design is a somatic language as well as a cognitive one, experienced not just with the mind, but with the body. As such, the benefits of HD become much more available to us (as well as much more fun!) when we are able to relate the information we are receiving back to our somatic experience. These sessions help the HD beginner do exactly that.