About Sanpriti + her work

For over twenty years, Sanpriti has been driven by a curiosity for how life works. She is as happy studying the smaller-scale miracles like subatomic particles and genes as she is geeking out over the big ones like Soul and solar system. Growing up, it was hard for her to find the satisfying answers to all of the questions she had about life, and she soon learned that asking the bigger questions tended to scare the grownups in the room. In an effort to stay safe, she initially limited her learning to the more societally-appropriate physical world around and within her. Imbued with the desire to help others heal as she healed her own childhood trauma, she started out with careers in science and medicine.

After a decade at the bedside, she left allopathic medicine with multiple autoimmune diseases. As a result, she turned to a more “preventative medicine,” with a career as a Yoga instructor, nutritionist, and health and fitness trainer. Eventually, she started asking the big questions again, and her career once again morphed itself around her own healing story. She started offering to others what she’d been doing privately for years: Finding freedom and transformation through the modalities of astrology and Human Design. These languages allow her to do what she loves best- experiment with how energy and physicality work together to form this world of ours.

Since 2021, Sanpriti has deepened and expanded her practice by studying KMRT® Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy, which is an entrainment modality (meaning to determine or modify the phase or period of circadian rhythms entrained by a light cycle). These rhythms are an expression of the soul moving through their kundalini energy creative life cycles in tandem with the Earth’s creative cycles via magnetic resonance. These are governed by the somatics of the nervous system through which spiritual energy flows. In short, the way energy manifests as matter, and vice-versa.

KMRT® also acts as an embodiment practice of kundalini energy as an expression of light/dark polarity resonance and unification through awareness (“know-ability”) which leads to integration (“be-ability”). Kinaesthetic Listening is the art of hearing these body responses as octaves of sound, and directing them consciously through the movement of expressive oscillation, a light language which Sanpriti conveys through her readings.

Tantra is the fullest expression of life as an experience of creative life force. This innate force is our Soul’s birthright. Whether someone is seeking to create a new life for themselves, or to conceive a child, their own personal creative force is what allows for that birth to happen in alignment with their desire. The practices of KMRT® and Kinaesthetic Listening allow Sanpriti to engage with a client’s creative force- their signature of Desire- through the medium of their astrological natal chart, or their Human Design Bodygraph, or a world map, or the energy form of a Spirit Baby. She holds space as the client is guided to an expression of this part of themselves that desires so deeply to be made manifest.

Sanpriti is happiest when listening to people’s life stories, and when walking them through their charts- their “energetic DNA.” In doing so, they are invited to let go of old stories and timelines, which can facilitate healing and uncover and clarify deep personal passions and expressions of creation.